
What's Happening at Physical Education & Health

School News

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Bird Art

Students at Brook Avenue School created bird-inspired art to celebrate Spring.... more info

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Rhythmic Learning

Physical education teachers at Brook Avenue School facilitated an interdisciplinary activity that combined movement and rhythm.... more info

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Spelling Bee Champs

澳门二四六天天彩 Middle School hosted a school-wide spelling bee that resulted in students being named grade-level or building champions. The building champions will compete in the Suffolk County spelling bee being held at the Middle School later this spring.... more info

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Stay up-to-date on everything that's happening here at Bay 澳门二四六天天彩! On this page of the website you'll find important announcements and other pertinent information.

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澳门二四六天天彩 School District is committed to educating minds - and to changing lives. With volunteer efforts at more than 40 agencies and academic service learning programs that incorporate our service mission into our curriculum.

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Welcome to 澳门二四六天天彩! On this page you will find everything you need to learn about our district and register your child.

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