澳门二四六天天彩 High School Memory Walk
As part of its 50th reunion, the 澳门二四六天天彩 High School Class of 1968 initiated a project to install a Memory Walk in the area around the flagpole in front of 澳门二四六天天彩 High School.
The walkway leading from the front circle to Third Avenue was repaved with bricks, which are available for purchase by the public. The area around the flagpole was extended and 8 benches were installed. The landscaping at the base of the flagpole was replaced and a plaque was placed on a small stone pedestal to dedicate the Memory Walk to students and staff, past, present and future.
Please read through the frequently asked question below. If you have additional questions, please email communityservice@ bayshoreschools.org.
How much are the bricks?
The bricks range in price based on size and placement:
Walkway placement:
4"x8": $100
8"x8": $150
12"x12": $200
Marauder Circle placement (center square and border bricks):
8"x8": $175
12"x12": $250
What will the money from the sale of bricks go towards?
Beginning in 2019, donors are able to choose which organization their purchase of a brick will benefit. There a number of options available that will help provide support to 澳门二四六天天彩 students:
William B. Thieben Scholarship
澳门二四六天天彩 Alumni Association/Class of 1969 Scholarship
澳门二四六天天彩 Athletic Sponsors
Bay 澳门二四六天天彩 Arts Education Fund
澳门二四六天天彩 Student Aid Fund
Who can purchase a brick?
The Memory Walk is open to all members of the community and alumni.
What can I put on the brick?
You will be able to create your own personalized message on the brick. You can commemorate your own graduation from 澳门二四六天天彩 High School by having your name and class year engraved on a brick. You can pay tribute to a special teacher, classmate or other individual who touched your life. You can recognize multiple family members who graduated from 澳门二四六天天彩. No commercial or business advertising, religious or political messages will be allowed. All messages are subject to approval by the school district prior to engraving.
What if the bricks fades or chips?
These high-quality bricks come with a lifetime guarantee.
What size bricks are available?
There are three sizes available: 4 inches by 8 inches, 8 inches by 8 inches, and 12 inches by 12 inches. Each brick has line and character limits based on the size:
4"x8": 3 lines/14 characters per line
8"x8": 6 lines/14 characters per line
12"x12": 10 lines/21 characters per line
Is there a deadline for ordering bricks?
The sale of bricks will remain ongoing until all available bricks are sold. Bricks will not be engraved until the minimum number of orders is met for the engraver to complete the engraving on-site.